Our journey in Bayan EDGE has been one of evolution and expansion, driven by our unwavering commitment to empowering underserved communities. While our previous business model successfully increased financial access, we recognized the need to do more. This realization led us to embrace a social franchising approach rooted in a deep understanding of the critical issues faced by Filipinos striving to become entrepreneurs.

Through a meticulous assessment of social challenges, we identified two key obstacles hindering entrepreneurship: the initial hurdles of starting a business and the ongoing struggle to sustain it. These insights became the foundation for our Building Enterprises (BEBE) program, a social franchising initiative aimed at providing comprehensive support to aspiring entrepreneurs.

With BEBE, we strive to address challenges such as restricted capital availability and insufficient business expertise by providing comprehensive training programs, mentorship, and assistance. Our objective is to empower franchisees with the necessary skills, knowledge, and self-assurance to excel in the business realm, encompassing aspects such as financial management and marketing strategies.

At its core, social franchising offers Filipinos a pathway to realize their entrepreneurial aspirations and take ownership of their economic destiny. By providing opportunities for individuals to become franchisees, we enable them to build sustainable livelihoods for themselves and their families.

Moreover, social franchising generates a ripple effect that extends beyond individual businesses, creating opportunities for job creation and economic stimulation within local communities. By harnessing local human resources and community products, franchising not only fosters economic development but also advances social missions, empowering communities and fostering self-sufficiency.

We customize our social franchises to align with our partner communities' unique needs and resources, fostering a sense of ownership and connection. BEBE serves as a platform for highlighting and utilizing products that reflect the community's heritage and culture, preserving cultural identity, and supporting local artisans.

Through this empowerment process, we create opportunities for individual prosperity while contributing to Filipino communities' economic development and resilience. Our journey with social franchising is a testament to our commitment to transforming lives and building a more inclusive and prosperous society for all. One step at a time, we empower Filipinos to realize their entrepreneurial dreams and create paths to success and prosperity.